Does acupuncture hurt?
The procedure is painless because acupuncture requires very thin needles (0.12-0.3mm in diameter). Needles are made from alloys of gold, silver, and some other high-quality metals. Each patient has a separate set of needles that are not reused.
Patients describe acupuncture as a very relaxing procedure. It lasts from several minutes to an hour and depending on the diagnosis, the course of treatment consists of 3-10 procedures.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is a safe procedure when performed by a certified medical specialist. The risk of side effects is very low. Acupuncture is a much healthier and more natural treatment than medication. It affects the whole body as a whole, strengthens the immune system, improves overall health. During the course of acupuncture, you should avoid sleep deprivation, overwork, and alcohol consumption.
Acupuncture: indications
- Acupuncture has a regulating effect both in pain syndromes, psycho-vegetative disorders, and hormonal disorders.
- Acupuncture improves the energetic state of the body.
- Acupuncture can help you quit smoking!
- Acupuncture helps the body fight excess weight!
- In gynecology, acupuncture can be used as a remedy for premenstrual and climacteric syndromes, in case of cycle disorders, and also as an adjunct treatment for infertility with reduced reproductive capacity.
Specialists offer patients to perform acupuncture:
1. When planning a pregnancy:
- Helps the body fight stress;
- Improves immunity;
- Strengthens the nervous system and the body’s defenses;
- Has a positive effect on metabolism and energy balance;
- Stimulates the activity of the ovaries (women) and testes (men).
2. Eliminates or reduces symptoms:
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Fatigue;
- Insomnia;
- Headaches;
- Back pain;
- Edema;
- Leg cramps.
3. Acupuncture for men:
- Prostate treatment;
- Improving sperm quality;
- Impotence;
- Male infertility.
Acupuncture has a positive effect on male infertility. The study showed that immediately after the acupuncture session, an increase in the concentration and mobility of sperm is observed. After 10 acupuncture sessions for 14 days, this effect lasts for up to five weeks.
Acupuncture is used in preparation for childbirth and has a tonic effect. Also, acupuncture is used during the postpartum period to control postpartum bleeding, relieve postpartum depression, and for breastfeeding problems to stimulate milk production.
Acupuncture as a fertility treatment
Treatment of infertility with acupuncture is a very individual process, starting from the position of the patient during the session and ending with the length of the needles. Also, even the depth, angle, and speed of needle insertion may vary. The choice is made only after assessing the age, the physique of the patient, as well as determining the necessary points.
In addition to acupuncture, acupuncture points can also be influenced by heating and moxibustion. Moxibustion is performed using special wormwood cigarettes, or cones stuffed with wormwood and have various ways of affecting acupuncture points.
How often is acupuncture performed?
Acupuncture is usually done 1-2 times a week. In acute cases, according to the doctor’s prescription, daily sessions are possible. When transferring an embryo into the uterine cavity, acupuncture is prescribed on the day of manipulation: both shortly before the embryo transfer, and immediately after it.
How long is one acupuncture procedure?
The needles are inserted at the acupuncture point and remain at the injection site for 20 to 30 minutes. After inserting the needles, a relaxing and calming effect will follow, the severity of which is individual.
Number of sessions
Depending on the individual reaction of the patient’s body, the doctor may prescribe up to 10-14 procedures. Chronic conditions may require several courses of treatment.
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