In today’s world, there are a huge number of adverse factors that can adversely affect the immune system. Sudden changes in temperature, constant stress, and chronic fatigue – are the three factors that should alert you and warn you about the need to adopt certain changes in diet to strengthen the immune system.
A balanced and complete diet is the key to good and excellent health, so it is with the help of a properly selected diet that you can strengthen the body’s defenses.
If you want your immune system to work flawlessly, we advise you to use our effective recommendations and supplement your diet with essential healthy foods.
Foods that will help strengthen the immune system
1. Garlic
Garlic is most often used for culinary purposes to give dishes a spicy taste and spicy aroma. However, in fresh form, garlic still has many useful benefits that make it just an incredibly effective helper in the fight against internal disorders and infectious diseases.
Moreover, garlic has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, thanks to which funds based on it not only strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms but also improve the immune system’s response to pathogens of viral infections.
2. Citrus fruits
Everyone knows that citrus fruits, including oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits, and tangerines, contain a large number of vitamins (especially vitamin C). If you are thinking about making certain changes to strengthen the immune system, we recommend that you include citrus fruits in your daily menu.
They will not only strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms but also protect against unpleasant diseases caused by sudden changes in weather conditions – in particular, colds and flu.
In addition, if you have already caught a runny nose or flu, with the help of vitamin C you can significantly speed up and facilitate the recovery process.
3. Onion
A simple and widely available remedy such as fresh onion infusion will also help activate the body’s defense mechanisms and strengthen the immune system.
We recommend that you bring the chopped onion to a boil and drink the finished broth hot. With this infusion, you can eliminate such unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases like inflammation of the mucous membrane, and clear the lungs of mucus.
You can also eat onions raw to get rid of coughing disorders and a lot of mucus in the airways. In both cases, onions will help you strengthen the body’s defenses and improve the immune system’s response to viral pathogens.
4. Red fruits and vegetables
This group includes the following useful foods: red peppers, tomatoes, cherries, and strawberries. All these products are characterized by a high content of carotene and vitamin A – two substances that strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of serious diseases.
5. Water
If you drink water regularly during the day, you will be able to prevent the accumulation of mucus in the airways. What’s more, you can protect your body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily, and you will not be afraid of any viruses.
6. Nuts (including almonds)
Because all types of nuts are high in vitamin E, they are simply indispensable for the excretion of toxins. Moreover, this vitamin is a powerful natural antioxidant, so it not only increases the level of leukocytes in the blood but also protects the body from various pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
7. Honey
Very often cough is recommended to treat with natural honey. If you have the flu, catch a cold, or start coughing heavily, we recommend that you eat one tablespoon of honey from time to time.
Due to its powerful antiseptic properties, honey will help activate the protective mechanisms of your body.
8. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is simply an indispensable food for health, as it contains a large amount of such useful minerals as magnesium, zinc, and copper.
These minerals not only improve the immune system but also protect the body from harmful viruses and bacteria that cause serious diseases.
9. Mushrooms
It is known that fungi have powerful antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Mushrooms significantly increase the ability of the immune system to respond actively and quickly to any threats to the body. You can prepare a delicious dish of stewed mushrooms with onions and garlic for dinner without fear of gaining a few extra pounds.
Picture Credit: Pexels