Acupuncture is one of the treatment methods, which is still surrounded by numerous myths. Some believe that with the help of needles, even incurable diseases can be healed. Others do not believe that acupuncture can be of any use. But the truth is that today acupuncture is a recognized method of therapy that has clearly limited indications and contraindications.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a key component in traditional Chinese medicine. Its essence boils down to the impact of thin needles on certain biologically active points on the human body.
Depending on the type of points, the disease itself, and the technique of setting the needles, an acupuncture session can last up to an hour. Sensations during the procedure usually vary significantly even in the same person. Sometimes the introduction of the needle is completely painless. Sometimes you may experience a feeling of pressure, fullness, mild soreness, itching. This reaction is normal.
An acupuncture session is usually well tolerated by all patients. Some may even fall asleep during the procedure. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this type of treatment.
Types of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be divided into corporal and auricular. In the first case, the effect is on the points that are on the body. And in the second – use reflexogenic zones located on the auricle. Sometimes these methods are opposed to each other, but in fact, an acupuncture specialist must master both methods. It is believed that they perfectly complement each other, including as part of a single course of treatment.
For acupuncture, various types of needles are used. It depends on the area of impact. Corporal needles are made of high-quality metal, and auricular needles are made of surgical stainless steel. Needles are disposable and reusable, sometimes they are covered with gold or silver.
In some cases, an electric current is passed through the installed needles. There are also methods of cauterization, heating, pressure on active points, the use of irritating substances, or other similar influences. Such methods are no longer called acupuncture, but they work on a similar principle.
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